Quiero empezar hoy con un post atinente a la carrera a la que alguna vez pertenecí, sí me refiero a Ing. Petroquímica; la historia brevemente es así: durante el proceso de Admisión (2006-I) que me abrió las puertas a la UNI había escogido mis 5 opciones de postulación en este orden: Ing. Petroquímica, Ing. de Petróleo, Ing. Química, Ing. Textil y finalmente Química (pura); mi objetivo era convertirme en cachimbo Petroquímico pues durante mi última etapa académica le había tomado un especial "cariño" a la química y me gustaba mucho resolver los problemas del boletín Vallejino relacionado a este curso.
Pues bien, se dieron las cosas, logré ingresar pero en el primer ciclo que llevé Química I me di cuenta que lo mío no era la Química -y con ello la Petroquímica- y no es que haya jalado o algo por el estilo (lo pasé con buena nota :p) sino que no llenaba totalmente mis expectativas, no me sentía tan a gusto; paralelamente siendo cachimbo me uní a un grupo de estudiantes petroleros (Petroquímica y Petróleo están en la misma facultad) que formaban en ese entonces el aún desconocido para mí SPE (Society Petroleum Engineers) en el cual casi el 90% de actividades iban enfocadas a los estudios de petróleo, llámese conferencias, reuniones, charlas, revistas, etc; todo aquello me impulsó a cuestionarme seriamente si lo que quería era seguir como Petroquímico o hacer lo posible para hacer un viraje ha Petróleo, entonces luego de analizarlo y someterlo a opiniones de gente que conocía de ambas carreras opté por realizar mi traslado y es donde hoy en día me encuentro siendo un estudiante de Ing. de Petróleo lleno de ánimo e ilusión por mi carrera.
Con mi anterior experiencia no quiero restar importancia a la Petroquímica, considero que es una carrera como todas donde el patrón general para seguir tiene que estar dado (casi) necesariamente por la vocación que es lo que yo descubrí por petróleo estando adentro de la Universidad: "soy un petrolero convencido de mi vocación"
Dejando de lado las historias personales empecemos con la información:
La Ingeniería Petroquímica involucra toda la gama de productos derivados del petróleo, gas natural y otros productos sintéticos.
El Ingeniero Petroquímico está capacitado técnica y científicamente para realizar las siguientes actividades:
- Organizar, dirigir y controlar empresas y plantas químicas y petroquímicas a nivel industrial.
- Crear y/o modificar tecnologías para la racional explotación y transformación de los hidrocarburos.
- Elabora métodos nuevos o perfeccionados para el tratamiento inicial y la Refinación del Petróleo.
- Efectuar investigación y estudios sobre el desarrollo y aplicación industrial del petróleo, gas natural y sus derivados.
- Controlar los procesos de producción de polímeros (plásticos, fibras, Elastómeros, etc) producción de insumos para las industrias de pinturas lacas barnices, fertilizantes, insecticidas, etc.
- Perfecciona y desarrolla métodos para la fabricación de productos químicos, esencialmente petroquímicos.
- Proyecta y controla la construcción, montaje y funcionamiento de las instalaciones petroquímicas y de la refinería.
- Realiza investigaciones para verificar y mejorar las diferentes etapas de las operaciones.
- Efectuar investigaciones sobre síntesis, caracterización y aplicación de productos petroquímicos para sus usos en la industria química nacional.
- Desarrollar funciones de Auditoria, Inspectoría y fiscalización en el ámbito de hidrocarburos.
- Controlar los procesos de separación, fraccionamiento; así como el transporte y distribución del gas natural.
- Realizar estudios de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), Programas de Adecuación de Manejo Ambiental (PAMA) y monitoreos de efluentes líquidos y gaseosos.
- Control de calidad de los productos derivados de los hidrocarburos.
- Gestión en al ámbito hidrocarburífero.
Primer Ciclo
- Física I
- Dibujo Técnico
- Redacción y Reporte Técnico
- Cálculo I
- Química
Segundo Ciclo
- Física II
- Geometría Descriptiva
- Cálculo II
- Geometría Analítica Vectorial
- Química Inorgánica
Tercer Ciclo
- Física III
- Geología General
- Cálculo III
- Estadístca Aplicada
- Análisis Químico Cualitativo
Cuarto Ciclo
- Algoritmos y Lenguaje de Proggramación
- Ecuaciones Diferenciales
- Tecnología de la Industra de Hidrocarburos
- Fisicoquímica I
- Análisis Químico Cuantitativo
Quinto Ciclo
- Métodos Numéricos
- Química Orgánica I
- Fisicoquímica II
- Balance de Masa y Energía
- Materiales Industriales
Sexto Ciclo
- Economía de la Empresa
- Termodinámica para Ingeniería Química I
- Química Orgánica II
- Fenómenos de Transporte
- Corrosión
Séptimo Ciclo
- Administración de la Empresa
- Propiedades de Fisicoquímicas de los Hidrocarburos
- Termodinámica para Ingeniería Química II
- Transferencia de Cantidad de Movimiento
- Transferencia de Calor
- Polímeros
Octavo Ciclo
- Petroquímica Básica
- Procesos de Refinación de Petróleo I
- Laboratorio de Operaciones Unitarias I
- Cinética Química y Diseño de Reactores
- Transferencia de Masa
Noveno Ciclo
- Procesos de Refinación de Petróleo I
- Procesos de Gas Natural
- Laboratorio de Operaciones Unitarias II
- Instrumentos de Control
- Economía de Procesos
- Computación Aplicada y Técnicas de Simulación
Décimo Ciclo
- Procesos Petroquímicos
- Manejo y Control Ambiental de la Industria
- Constitución y Legislación de Hidrocarburos
- Control de Procesos
- Proyectos de Inversión
a) Créditos de cursos obligatorios = 197
b) Créditos de cursos electivos y actividades diversas = 13
Total de créditos para egresar = 210
Fuente: Prospecto de Admisión UNI
I begin today with a post relating to the race which once belonged to, yes, I mean Mr. Petroquímica; history is briefly as follows: during the admissions process (2006-I) I opened the doors had to UNI chosen to apply my 5 options in this order: Petrochemical Engineer, Petroleum Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineer and finally Textile (virgin), my goal was to become Petrochemical cachimba because during my last step you took an academic special "affection" to the chemistry and I liked solving problems related to this newsletter Vallejino course.
Well, things were, but I managed to enter in the first season that I took chemistry, I realized it was not mine-Chemical Petrochemical and therefore is not and you have pulled or something like that (what I with note: p) but not completely filled my expectations, I felt so comfortable, being parallel cachimba I joined a group of students tankers (Petrochemical and Oil are in the same power) that were then the unknown I SPE (Society Petroleum Engineers), in which almost 90% of activities were focused on studies of oil, whether conferences, meetings, lectures, magazines, etc., all that prompted me to seriously question whether they wanted to continue as Petrochemical or do whatever possible to make a turn has oil, then analyze it and then submit it to views of people who knew both careers I chose to make my move and now is where I find myself being a student full of Petroleum Engineer spirit and enthusiasm for my career.
With my previous experience I do not want to play Petrochemical, I think it is a race where all the general pattern is to continue to be given (almost) necessary for the vocation that is what I found to be oil inside the University: "I'm convinced one oil my vocation"
Leaving aside the personal stories start with the information:
Petrochemical Engineering involves the full range of petroleum products, natural gas and other synthetic products.
Petrochemical Engineer is technically and scientifically trained to perform the following activities:
Organizing, directing and controlling companies and chemical plants and petrochemical industrial level.
Create and / or modify technologies for the rational exploitation and processing of hydrocarbons.
Develops new or improved methods for the initial treatment and oil refining.
Conduct research and development studies and industrial application of oil, natural gas and its derivatives.
Control the production processes of polymers (plastics, fibers, elastomers, etc.) production of inputs for the industries of paints varnishes lacquers, fertilizers, insecticides, etc.
Improves and develops methods for the manufacture of chemicals, mainly petrochemicals.
Plans and supervises the construction, installation and operation of petrochemical plants and refinery.
Conducts research to verify and improve the different stages of operations.
Research on synthesis, characterization and application of petrochemical products for use in national chemical industry.
Develop audit functions, inspectorate and audit in the field of hydrocarbons.
Control the processes of separation, fractionation, and transportation and distribution of natural gas.
Environmental impact studies (EIA), Adaptation Program Environmental Management (PAMA) and monitoring of liquid and gaseous effluents.
Quality control of products derived from hydrocarbons.
Management in the oil field.
First Cycle
Physics I
Technical Drawing
Drafting and Technical Report
Calculus I
Second Cycle
Physics II
Descriptive Geometry
Calculus II
Vector geometry
Inorganic Chemistry
Third Cycle
Physics III
General Geology
Calculus III
Applied Estadístca
Qualitative Chemical Analysis
Fourth Cycle
Algorithms and language Proggramación
Differential Equations
Technology of the Oil Industr
Physical Chemistry I
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Fifth Cycle
Numerical Methods
Organic Chemistry I
Physical Chemistry II
Mass and Energy Balance
Industrial Materials
Sixth Cycle
Business Economics
Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineering I
Organic Chemistry II
Transport Phenomena
Seventh Cycle
Management Company
Physicochemical properties of Hydrocarbons
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Motion Transfer Amount
Heat Transfer
Eighth Cycle
Basic Petrochemicals
Petroleum Refining Processes I
Laboratory unit operations I
Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
Mass Transfer
Ninth Cycle
Petroleum Refining Processes I
Natural Gas Process
Unit operations lab II
Control Instruments
Business Process
Applied Computing and Simulation Techniques
Tenth Cycle
Petrochemical Processes
Environmental Management and Control of Industry
Constitution and Laws of Hydrocarbons
Process Control
Investment Projects
a) course credits required = 197
b) Credits and various elective courses = 13
Total credits for graduation = 210
Source: UNI Admission Brochure
Well, things were, but I managed to enter in the first season that I took chemistry, I realized it was not mine-Chemical Petrochemical and therefore is not and you have pulled or something like that (what I with note: p) but not completely filled my expectations, I felt so comfortable, being parallel cachimba I joined a group of students tankers (Petrochemical and Oil are in the same power) that were then the unknown I SPE (Society Petroleum Engineers), in which almost 90% of activities were focused on studies of oil, whether conferences, meetings, lectures, magazines, etc., all that prompted me to seriously question whether they wanted to continue as Petrochemical or do whatever possible to make a turn has oil, then analyze it and then submit it to views of people who knew both careers I chose to make my move and now is where I find myself being a student full of Petroleum Engineer spirit and enthusiasm for my career.
With my previous experience I do not want to play Petrochemical, I think it is a race where all the general pattern is to continue to be given (almost) necessary for the vocation that is what I found to be oil inside the University: "I'm convinced one oil my vocation"
Leaving aside the personal stories start with the information:
Petrochemical Engineering involves the full range of petroleum products, natural gas and other synthetic products.
Petrochemical Engineer is technically and scientifically trained to perform the following activities:
Organizing, directing and controlling companies and chemical plants and petrochemical industrial level.
Create and / or modify technologies for the rational exploitation and processing of hydrocarbons.
Develops new or improved methods for the initial treatment and oil refining.
Conduct research and development studies and industrial application of oil, natural gas and its derivatives.
Control the production processes of polymers (plastics, fibers, elastomers, etc.) production of inputs for the industries of paints varnishes lacquers, fertilizers, insecticides, etc.
Improves and develops methods for the manufacture of chemicals, mainly petrochemicals.
Plans and supervises the construction, installation and operation of petrochemical plants and refinery.
Conducts research to verify and improve the different stages of operations.
Research on synthesis, characterization and application of petrochemical products for use in national chemical industry.
Develop audit functions, inspectorate and audit in the field of hydrocarbons.
Control the processes of separation, fractionation, and transportation and distribution of natural gas.
Environmental impact studies (EIA), Adaptation Program Environmental Management (PAMA) and monitoring of liquid and gaseous effluents.
Quality control of products derived from hydrocarbons.
Management in the oil field.
First Cycle
Physics I
Technical Drawing
Drafting and Technical Report
Calculus I
Second Cycle
Physics II
Descriptive Geometry
Calculus II
Vector geometry
Inorganic Chemistry
Third Cycle
Physics III
General Geology
Calculus III
Applied Estadístca
Qualitative Chemical Analysis
Fourth Cycle
Algorithms and language Proggramación
Differential Equations
Technology of the Oil Industr
Physical Chemistry I
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Fifth Cycle
Numerical Methods
Organic Chemistry I
Physical Chemistry II
Mass and Energy Balance
Industrial Materials
Sixth Cycle
Business Economics
Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineering I
Organic Chemistry II
Transport Phenomena
Seventh Cycle
Management Company
Physicochemical properties of Hydrocarbons
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Motion Transfer Amount
Heat Transfer
Eighth Cycle
Basic Petrochemicals
Petroleum Refining Processes I
Laboratory unit operations I
Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
Mass Transfer
Ninth Cycle
Petroleum Refining Processes I
Natural Gas Process
Unit operations lab II
Control Instruments
Business Process
Applied Computing and Simulation Techniques
Tenth Cycle
Petrochemical Processes
Environmental Management and Control of Industry
Constitution and Laws of Hydrocarbons
Process Control
Investment Projects
a) course credits required = 197
b) Credits and various elective courses = 13
Total credits for graduation = 210
Source: UNI Admission Brochure
Note: It's a literal translation
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